On a daily basis, our spirituality is rooted in:
“The first and primary obligation of all religious is the contemplation of divine realities and union with God in prayer.”
(Canon 663)
This “fountain of living water” from which we draw strength and joy leads us to give fully of ourselves which in turn bears fruit in our apostolate.
Each day is marked by the ringing of the bell calling us to prayer: daily mass, the divine office, silent prayer, rosary, spiritual reading, times of silence. Times of retreat allow us to revitalize our spiritual life.
St Vincent de Paul urges the sisters to “remain united to Jesus Christ and to one another through the inseparable bond of fraternal love.”
We live out together the times of prayer, community work, and recreation. The celebration of Christmas and the summer vacation are special times in which all the sisters come together at the motherhouse, which is a source of joy and reassurance for each one of them and reinforces the bonds of their union.
Striving to “imitate Christ who did not come to be served but to serve,” all the sisters, regardless of their specific duties within the community, take part in the education of the youth that the Lord has entrusted to them.
We obtain the necessary diplomas and training to teach school subjects and share various indispensable management and maintenance tasks, all working towards the same goal in a spirit of joy and fraternal harmony for the glory of God.
Each institute is a reflection of the Beauty and Goodness of God. Each one was inspired by the Holy Spirit to respond to the needs of the Church in the world and to manifest in a specific way the love of God for mankind.
St Vincent de Paul and Madame de Pollalion had the inspiration to found Union-Chrétienne for “the contribution of glorifying God and saving souls” in every possible way in the field of education and in the Christian instruction of youth.
Stemming from the Counter-Reformation of the Council of Trent, the spirituality of Union-Chrétienne is that of the French school of thought : it deals with the imitation of Jesus Christ throughout the different stages of his life.
The name itself “Union-Chrétienne” chosen by Saint Vincent de Paul urges the sisters to
“remain united to Jesus Christ and to one another through the inseparable bond of fraternal love”
in their community and apostolic life. The sisters profess public vows to observe the evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. They add a fourth vow recognized by the Church as their own specific charism : the vow of Union. Through this vow, they are committed to remain united to one another within the Community on behalf of their Union with Jesus Christ and as a testimony to his Love.
Following the example of their Foundress, the sisters strive to cultivate a great love for the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to practice abandonment to Divine Providence.
The first Superiors of the Institute by vow took the Virgin Mary as Mother and foundress of the Institute. The sisters are called to foster a filial confidence in her maternal protection.
“The sisters will always address the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church, with trust and love. ”